San Diego Unified School District is dedicated to fostering safe, stable, nurturing, and welcoming environments for all students and staff.
We are a Welcoming District!All San Diego Unified School District staff and students are entitled to their First Amendment right to free speech, but harassment, discrimination and bias-based harm have no place in San Diego Unified school communities and will not be tolerated.
We acknowledge the current and potential future threats faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals (especially transgender members), immigrants, and all students, families, and staff, which may directly have an impact on students’ physical safety, mental health, and school engagement.
Report a Concern
Know Your Rights
Prohibited Discrimination
Types of Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation Prohibited by SDUSD
sexual orientation, gender or sex (includes gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy-related medical conditions),
race or ethnicity, ethnic group identification, ancestry, nationality, national origin, color
military status, unfavorable discharge from military service, and
on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in the educational programs or activities the District operates
Read more about Nondiscrimination/Harassment - BP 5145.3(a)
BP 5145.3(a)
Know Your Legal Rights
Promoting a Safe and Secure Learning Environment for All: Guidance and Model Policies to Assist California’s K-12 Schools in Responding to Immigration Issues
Established a new internal Equity, Civil Rights, & Safety reportinghotline for school administrators
Established an Equity, Civil Rights, & Safety Task Force to monitor & respond to incidents of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
Training is being provided to District staff to ensure they are able to support students, families, and their colleagues should instances of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation occur on their school campuses.
Beginning in January, site administrators will receive training on District policies and protocols to address the equity, civil rights, and safety needs of our school communities.
Administrators may contact their Area Superintendent for more information.
The Board of Education's “Resolution Affirming and Living the Values of the San Diego Unified School District as a Welcoming District for All Students.”
Compiled information about laws, resources, and service providers to help you better understand your rights (see below).
Below are resources to provide information to students, staff, &
San Diego Unified centers equity, civil and human rights for its school communities, and has proactively taken steps to create a healthy, sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and just school district that supports the rights of all our students and families. Some of the policies and resolutions the Board of Education has adopted to uphold these values includes:
San Diego Unified School District is committed to acting as a strong and necessary safeguard for our community against any potential threats to public education, our students, families, and staff.
We continue to work diligently preparing resources and supports to ensure that our district is equipped to defend and protect the rights and safety of our constituents.
Below are various resource compendiums that align with potential areas of need and concern for students, caregivers, educators, and administrators.
Some materials and information used on this site were generated by third parties. The views and opinions of the authors of documents published on the site do not necessarily state or reflect the opinion of the District.
As states pass more bills that focus on restricting the LGBTQ+ community, it will be pressing for public administrators and policymakers to understand the effects these can have on LGBTQ+ youth. Our children are depending on us to create a society that ensures equality for all, regardless of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
“The thought that leads me to contemplate with dread the erasure of other voices, of unwritten novels, poems whispered or swallowed for fear of being overheard by the wrong people, outlawed languages flourishing underground, essayists’ questions challenging authority never being posed, unstaged plays, canceled films — that thought is a nightmare. As though a whole universe is being described in invisible ink.”
— Toni Morrison
The district is required to cooperate with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency to prevent and control communicable diseases in school-age children. Our Wellness Policy is the document that complies with the federal law. The Wellness Policy incorporates all components of the Coordinated School Health Model and federal mandates.